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About Me


We are not the stories we tell about ourselves. We are something much greater and if we have the courage to dive deeply into ourselves, we can discover who we truly are at our core, our inner being. I began to understand this around age 48 and for the past few years I have been writing a new story of me.

My old story was that I was the sister of a boy with MD who died young. I believed this was the only thing that made me special. I did well in school, then went to college but had no idea who or what I wanted to be afterward. I ended up in administrative jobs where I was valued by my employers, but could not find true joy, passion, or financial success.

But that’s the old story and I offer it here only to illustrate how far I have come in a few short years. For many years, I struggled and sought answers, knowing there was more to life than what I was experiencing. The path to my true self has been fascinating, aggravating, inspiring, and challenging.  With the help of coaches, healers, and mentors, and through my own experimentation and research, I am meeting those challenges head on.  I am very proud to have made progress with the biggest challenge for me - learning how to trust and use my intuition. I am still working on this but I know for certain this work has made the biggest difference in my own transformation.

My new story is I am a finder, no longer a seeker. I am finding the answers to who I am, what I want to do with my life, and how I can best be of service to my community and my world. My journey began with explorations of nature based spirituality and has taken me down some fascinating rabbit holes in the field of alternative healing and the science based approaches cutting edge scientists are taking to transform lives. I love the idea that science is now demystifying some spiritual principles, making them more applicable to modern life and allowing more people to lead fulfilling lives.

I have discovered a passion for energy healing and coaching and have known for a long time that service to others is how I find fulfillment. I set foot on this path in what feels an accidental way, but must have been divinely orchestrated. Through spiritual communities and the people I met there, I have been blessed with opportunities to learn in person and through reading and research.

Spending time in nature with my family while growing up holds happy memories and motivated my choice of college. I have always loved spending time in the forest and often wondered how I could make a living doing that.  When a dear friend, coach, and mentor pointed out the benefit she has enjoyed from joining me on my weekly forest visits, a vague idea I had received became clear. That vague idea was to combine energy healing with nature.  I didn’t know how I would do that until she helped me realize I was already providing “therapy” just by the way I was showing up during our walks together.

So now I am exploring these things I love through experience, practice, and my own research. The modalities I use to help others transform are being shaped and polished as I practice them and explore their potential.  I am enthusiastically showing up for my own life, and eagerly waiting for the next sign to show me what lies ahead. I am excited to share my experiences with you and help you on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation!

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