Be sure to turn on the sound before you hit play or you’ll miss the rattling!
Last night I was stunned to see a Rattlesnake for only the 2nd time in the 4 years I’ve been walking these trails. Not just saw, but watched cautiously for nearly 20 minutes.
I was alerted to its presence by the distinctive sound of its rattle warning me to stay away. It’s not like any other sound in the Forest and is impossible to mistake even if you’ve never heard it before. “No power in the ‘Verse” I’ve met has ever stopped my breath, heart, and footsteps so quickly! I watched it slither mostly off the trail into the tangle of grasses and expected it to disappear quickly as Snakes truly do prefer to be left alone. But it apparently had quite a message to deliver. I’m still processing that energy so don’t yet know the details of that message.
Here’s what’s resonating with me about the symbolism of Snake from Ted Andrews’ Animal-Speak.
Snake represents wisdom expressed through healing, the creative life force, transformation and healing, and the cycle of death and rebirth. The death energy of Snake is indicative of a transformation, not actual death, and may be showing new opportunities to heal and transform oneself. It can also reflect one’s creative forces awakening or stimulation of understanding how to apply one’s insight and intuition. “When snake comes into your life you can look for a rebirth into new powers of creativity and wisdom.”
The Universe always has impeccable timing. Rattlesnake showed up for me in a dramatic and significant way at what has been feeling like a turning point in my own transformation. After a few months of challenging emotions and a focus on healing and transforming some limiting beliefs, it feels like a sort of graduation to receive this symbol of rebirth. I’m grateful to have received this beautiful sign of my own rebirth, my own transformation. I’m stepping more fully into my Truest True Me. Does any of Rattlesnake medicine resonate with you? What will your rebirth as the Truest True You feel like?